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Evil surrounds the Canadian PM


SNC-Lavalin in itself would seem to be evil to its core. We look at what appears to be a successful company, how did they get there?  Going back to 1969 and up to 2011 the records show an abysmal story of corruption, bribery and fraud. The World bank disbarred SNC- Lavalin in 2013 for corrupt practices in Bangladesh. Here in Quebec, bribery and corruption charges are pending: the McGill University Health centre as well as the illegal federal election campaign donations. Why would so many elected politicians and civil servants be so intent on not having this company go to a trial where many secrets might be illuminated for the Canadian public to view?

Back in 2008 a group of radical anti-fossil-fuel zealots entered Canada with the intent to seal our country’s oil from reaching our coastlines and to stop all further construction of pipelines, so we would be unable to market our resources to the world market. Big money is involved here and the Tides US has evolved into “Tides of Canada” sponsored by George Soros, just one of many billionaires that are out for world dominance at our country’s expense. Why our Liberal government donates hundreds of thousands of our taxes to these so-called institutions for good, the Clinton foundation being another scam group receiving hundreds of millions for future favours, is beyond me except their money comes back to put non-left-wing groups down.

Gerald Butts was president and CEO of ”World Wild Life fund Canada” another group affiliated with Tides, after he was forced, along with the former Premier Dalton McGuinty to leave his job in the Premier’s office of Ontario. He was surrounded in the Prime minister’s office, until his quick exit, with more of his Progressive friends, namely Marlo Raynolds, chief of staff to environment Minister. Catherine McKenna, is past executive director of the Tides backed Pembina Institute. ZoeCaron, chief of staff to Natural Resource minister Amarjeet Sohi, is also former WWF Canada official. Sarah Goodman, on the prime minister’s staff, is former vice-president of Tides Canada.  As Gwyn Morgan of the National Post states, “with these anti-oil activists at the epicentre of federal power, is it any wonder the oil industry and hundreds of thousands of workers have plummeted into political and policy purgatory”

When Butts left the WWF of Canada, he was rewarded with a pay out of $361,642. Severance.  I still wonder how he has accumulated a wealth of $23 Million, he didn’t get it from his coal miner father surely.

Much of this information was taken from a National Post article by Gwyn Morgan retired CEO of Encana Corp.  This information and much more was gathered by Vivian Krause over a period of 10 years research.

If Canadians don’t take more interest in our politics and who we elect to guide our country we will fall into the hands of evil and corrupt people whose only desire is for complete control over our people and our land.

Paul D. Scott.


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