Are you an Entrepreneur??
My wife and I have recently moved into a wonderful community of mostly newly retired professionals and a large percentage are teachers. Over the years in our private life we have had many dealings with the educators of this province. Many of our encounters have been less than positive. We hear in general conversation about how hard the teaching profession is, and the stress and work load sometimes unbearable. By comparison to my daily work year, I believe many of my friends do not know what other jobs entail.
The inspiration to write a 6th book came from a conversation with a friend that has recently retired and is finding the transition somewhat more challenging than he had initially thought. My friend was having a hard time understanding just what I did for a living, and how did it generate an income. How easy was it for me to ease into retirement? Technically, I have been retired for over 30 years but still I worked earning money well into my 70’s..
Are you an Entrepreneur???
103 Pages
$10.00 US
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