Homeland Invasion
June 5th 2024
The Russians are coming, The Russians are coming!!!
It’s not the Russians, it could be the Chinese, but it IS all the rest of the Brown and Black 3rd world. Namely, India, Pakistan, El Salvador, Seria, China and Africa. Nearly 98% of all our immigrants now come from these countries. This is not normal. That leaves less than 2% Caucasian immigrants coming to Canada annually. Our government’s open border policy is changing the ethnic composition of our country. That will have terrible ramifications for our future if we put any credence in our desire for a lifestyle of peace, security, freedom of religion and speech. Normalcy in Canada will be a thing of the past. Trudeau’s latest policy changes in our immigration laws can’t help but encourage undesirables to our shores and put undue stress on an economy that is overburdened with debt and mismanagement. Trudeau’s latest announcements will remove criminal background checks by police on temporary workers and international students.
Canada’s population has grown by a record amount in 2022 and 2023. More than one million plus per year. In the fall of 2023 we accepted 485,000, in 2025 another 500,000 and the same in 2026 are anticipated. In addition, and not included in these government figures, Canada has accepted an increased number of refugees and asylum seekers. In 2022 our population growth rate was 2.7% the highest in the world outside of African countries and in 2023 it was 3.2%.
Who benefits from all of this? Certainly not the average Canadian citizen. The cost to our country is enormous and hardly calculable. It has been estimated that the cost per person is $81,760. per year. Figures could be as high as $40.5 Billion Canadian dollars.
Productivity seems to be pretty dismal for our new arrivals. The percentage of these new Canadians is as high as 56% not working after being here up to five years. Housing, health care and education are being pushed to the limits. For a simple MRI for my Pancreas, I will wait for over 20 months. At 88 years old and an employer and tax payer, I should be able to expect better health care. Instead, I am told, why should I be pushed to the front of the wait line?
Our problems are many in this country. There may be an answer when we go to the polls next time. But maybe not!
Paul D. Scott rantingsandraves.com