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Letter to the Editor – Welland Tribune

Public School Hours

Aug. 21/24


When school trustees and politicians claim that the children come first when it comes to school curriculum, I question their motifs. After reading statements from parents and others interested in the welfare of our kids attending our schools here in the Niagara region, my observation is, the school bus program is wagging the tail of good and decent education and reasonable learning hours. It is obvious to me as it is to many adults, there are too many busses in our community running around virtually empty. Is there a possibility you have investigated taking all the school busses in the city and committing them for rural use as they were originally intended. Our young people might benefit from a brisk walk in the morning and midafternoon. For those that are unable, city bus passes could be offered. I am sure more money will be saved; the kids will be healthier and our local bus lines will benefit as well. School children will get more sleep, more exercise and be awake to learn though decent waking hours. Budget money for empty buses can now be used to benefit better education.


Paul D. Scott   Welland On.    


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