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That Amazing DJT

Jan 21st. 2025


For many Canadians, January 20th was just another January Monday. However, for almost 400 million USA citizens and many want-a-be Americans, this was a special day and one that will go down in the annals of time as a very historic day. I count myself blessed to witness, although just by the wonders of technology, the swearing in and the many activities surrounding the inauguration of a new President of the United States of America. The swearing in of the 47th president of the USA was the 15th in my lifetime. Being a second generation Canadian, I have also been a Canadian citizen through the leadership of no less than 14 Federal elections. Wm. Lion Mackenzie King served 21 years 161 days and Pierre Elliot Trudeau served 15 years 164 days. Far too long in my opinion especially for the two Trudeau's’.

My focus is on a man that has captured the world by storm. Not because he was a president of the USA or because of his tremendous wealth or even because of his bombastic demeanor. I am captured by Donald J. Trump for his stamina and courage, his stubbornness and his ability to find answers to impossible questions and be able to convey them to the public in a way that even the most ordinary citizen can understand. There is always an exception and, in this case, it is the left wing of the Democratic party. I am speaking of the Woke Progressives who just do not get it. They have not been able to get past Jan. 6th 2021 when the Whitehouse was under siege by Trump supporters. The details are all known but the thick heads of radicle extremists still believe the lies they have repeated until they can call them truths. Not one weapon was proven to be held by a Trump supporter and only one death was recorded as a result of the walk through and that was a young woman that was in fact trying to stop the violence that later was proven to be government staff infiltrated (FBI) into the ranks of the peaceful demonstrators. Following the inauguration ceremonies MSNBC and CNN had many panel shows and many of the leftwing diehards were still not understanding that the American citizen now wants to get on with a sensible life and throw the past four years and all the nutty Godless   theories and protocol out. America was becoming the most unhappy place with a dwindling military, loss of the basic corner stones of a Christian society.  Lies and deceit were manifested everywhere. The last twenty minutes of Biden’s presidency tells the story in a nutshell.  If there is nothing to see here, why would you need an overall pardon for your entire family?  If Dr. Anthony Fauci is the world health healer and so highly regarded by the medical establishment, why would he need a pardon going back to 2014 when Gain of Function first reared its ugly head?  Why? because it is a fact that Fauci holds the record for being responsible for more human destruction and death than Hitler or Stalin. Aids and many other treatments as well as gain of function and the biological weapon called the covid vaccine. He and his pal Bill Gates are responsible for deaths in Africa and India and over one million deaths in the USA. Fauci has been given a pardon by Joe Biden. The Biden-Harris world is over but that only means that there will be another foe to vanquish. Trump stands up and declares war on any who would challenge him. However, he wants to make the USA strong so that physical war can be avoided through the strength of the country he leads. 

I watched this man with his clear ice blue eyes after hours of speeches and receptions, signing dozens of documents to start his journey once again as the president of the USA. He patiently took questions from the media for almost and hour and gave of his time to meet and greet everyone he could. A smile or a kind word and on again to another reception. Melania, the 1st. Lady was exhausted and was heard to say she had very sore feet. She looked exhausted, not able to keep up to this powerful leader, her husband.  I am one that in my younger years worked long hours, sometime non stop for periods of more than 24 hours without sleep. I know that I would not be able to do that in my late 70’s and certainly not approaching my 90’s.

My retirement after a busy life as an entrepreneur spanning almost 7 decades, I find myself in the beautiful Niagara peninsula. My neighbours are in large part educators.  It would seem that I have landed in a very left leaning part of the country. I get published rarely when expressing my views in the local newspaper and was soundly lectured to by our board of directors and removed from my position as the editor of our community newsletter.   This position was given me as I had written a few books, this was of coarse bestowed upon me before any one read my books. The point is to say how amazed I was in finding the different ways a Conservative sees a situation to a Liberal when watching the Trump inauguration proceedings of last Monday. My observation was that the country has finally rid itself of the woke and progressive Godless lifestyle all citizens were under and a feeling of a happy relief and freedom this new and energetic government is going to give the people. Prosperity and enthusiasm for a brighter future made me envious not being an American. However, in a letter to the editor, EGW writes.

“I watched his speech and as a Canadian I am embarrassed for the American people and for us as Canadians. The circus and clowns have arrived in the US and the world is in for a roller coaster ride. It makes me so proud I am a Canadian. May God protect us from this insanity”.

This individual has totally lost all concept of humanity and living in peace with one another. Is it not the countries rite to have secured borders, good education, better health for all, lower taxes, freedom of speech, strong military, strong police protection, belief in only two genders, protection of countries manufacturing and agriculture, the right to protect one’s family and home?  Must we live under this veil of secrecy? Do we have to endure being lied to by our elected? Canadians have been living under a false idea that Canada is a utopia of all that is good and that we are the most agreeable and polite people of the world. Little do those know that are not regularly visiting other parts of the world know that we are laughed at and thought of as slow to allow a Trudeau to represent us worldwide. The 70's were when this all got under way, I could blame Trudeau #1 but who knows when Canadian men started to lose their masculinity. When ever that was, it is showing the rewards of the downfall of our great society.  I pray for a God-fearing person to step forward and lead us back to the days when we can once again be a proud Canadians.

So now we are blessed to be living in historic times and we should be aware that Trump will always have a target on his back. Hopefully he will avoid man’s most often made mistake, pride!  “Pride goethe before a fall”.  It would be wonderful to see success in all his great ambitions. As I wrote in my last book, “Time Will Tell”


Paul D. Scott                      


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