More info on Covid
Sept 27th 2024
If you are like me, you will be fed-up hearing about Covid and all the baggage that has been written and blathered on the social media. By now, you will be well aware that I am and have been a sceptic since I was given an appointment for the jab and a second one 20 weeks later even though the manufacturer recommended strongly that 21 days was the required timing for a follow up dose. This sounded more like a political decision and not a medical one. At that point I caught the whiff of something I needed more information on, before offering my body up to the will of empty promises from charlatans and Snake oil medicine.
My writings today on this subject will be brief and to the point. We have all been living in the same world and hearing and experiencing the same result from the same evil leaders we have so carelessly allowed to take over our lives. The list is long and teddies and starts with a Mad scientist by the name of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Under his authority, millions of men, women and children have died and millions more have felt the impact of his works in creating, making and marketing the world’s most potent snake oil medicine man has ever witnessed. Covid19. He could not accomplish this devastation on his own, he had lots of help starting with very wealthy sponsors and supporters. They are numbered in the millions and are headed up by the likes of Bill Gates and supported either willingly or unwittingly down to our local politicians and doctors.
It has taken a great deal of effort and patience to bring the world to at least consider that society has been tricked by the world’s most evil in accepting all that has gone before us. Many fine professional men and women have sacrificed their careers and lives to warn the world. Many ordinary people of all walks of life have suffered the loss of their jobs, careers and their family and friends for standing up against this false authority. Only just recently have we been able to think but not dare to say out loud, “I told you so” for we are now seeing what has been predicted but forced underground, the results of going against the natural God given restraints we humans need to live fruitful lives.
One of the muted voices now able to speak out is Dr. Bryan Ardis. In an interview recently, he has revealed what every scientist and any doctor worth his salt has known and that is the story of snake venom. When covid first appeared, the world-wide use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were being used with outstanding success along with Vitamin “D” “C” and Zinc. These are the cures for snake poison. Many countries including Canada banned their use. Many lives were lost, take note, Prime Minister Trudeau. This is a simple case of profit control before anything else. If you think Medicine can be set aside from commerce as a sacred cow, think again! Watch the media and realize that a huge portion of advertising is done by the pharmaceutical companies. Almost every drug we consume has an element of poison in it. Much of this poison comes from snake venom. The little nodules on the Spike protein we allow to be injected into our Body and mistakenly called vaccine for Covid-19, is 100% snake venom. If it mistakenly gets into your blood stream, you are in trouble. REMDESIVIR is the cure introduced by Fauci and it is snake venom. It has killed many thousands of patience. If you can’t remember the name, think—RUN-DEATH-IS-NEAR. Hospitals were bribed up to $120,000.00 per patient to use this drug. Ventilators were mis-used to finish the job. How ironic, we treat covid-19 which is snake venom with a drug called REMDESIVIR which is snake venom and wonder why the world has lost millions of innocent souls. We also see a large post uptick in sudden deaths and death from what is called “Turbo Cancer.” The combination of covid and the cure (vaccine) has greatly reduced our natural immune system to the point that our body has become confused and cancer cells that are always in our body are not being naturally put down, they are able to go to many vulnerable organs and grow quickly causing death in a much shorter time. Sudden death can be attributed in many cases to Myocarditis which is the bruising of the heart. As predicted many months ago there will be confusion as to why our death rates have increased. Unexplained illnesses are being noticed to an unusual degree. Could it be a bi/product of covid-19.?
We must be aware of the evil yet to come with the threats of Bird Flu and many more hoaxes and the upsurge of a different vaccine for all that ails the human body. If nothing in the past five years has not made you skeptical of what is happening around you. Get your head out of the sand or out of your derriere and start to think for yourself. How can I better care for my personal body that is sacred to me and me alone? God made you in his image, you are sacred to him as well, so what would he have you do with his gift? I fear it would not be to inject it with snake venom.
Paul D. Scott