The WORST of the WORST
Justin Trudeau (Castro) & Joe Biden
Jan 7th, 2025
How long have we waited for this day? Jan.6th. 2025.
The North American continent’s people are celebrating the resignation of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (Castro) and the defeat of President Joe Biden from their leadership of our two countries, Canada and the United States of America. Both of these two incorrigibles are going to be gone from the limelight and from the ability to destroy our two countries any further than they already have. I can’t imagine that there has been any leader less qualified for leadership than these two birds. The rest of the world looked at us and mocked us for being so stupid as to allow two individuals to do so much harm against their own people. In a few short years, the credibility and high position in world affairs has been dashed and will take many years for us to regain a position of worthiness to be called a country worth listening to. Trump has made a spectacular effort so far even before taking his place as the USA’s 47th. president. Poilievre still has to prove his bark is as good as his bite. We have some interesting times ahead. It is to be hoped that it is not too late to turn this ship around and head in the right direction. Our success has been that our foundation has been based on the word of God. Have we stayed too far away from our roots?
Canadians have lived under the authority of a Trudeau twice now but there are few that remember the father of Justin. Perhaps I should explain that for most of us, we have only one worldly father but Justin was been blessed with the influences of two, his maternal father, Fidell Castro and Pierre Elliot, his legal dad. This is alleged of course, but anyone looking into history would at a glance, understand the truth of this situation. The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree so resemblances become quite evident.
For almost twelve years, Canadians have been under the rule of a Prime Minister for only one reason, he had the name Trudeau. Charming and handsome and kind of a rock star effect took him into the PM’s office. He weathered many storms but firing his finance minister who was also second in command and with only 22% of the population willing to support him Mr. Trudeau, you are toast.
It is hard to reflect on Trudeau’s accomplishments as there are few if any to find. However, there are many reasons he has been banished by the people he has ruled over. Just a few that come to mind are –
Economy – Freedoms – Sagging Canadian Dollar – Morals – Military - Education – Immigration – Health care – Housing – Taxes – Employment – Free speech – Rites over our bodies – corruption – poor decisions on our natural resources – Subsidies for foreign workers – global warming – corruption in PM’s office Abortion and Maid laws – overspending and debt -
Need I continue? There is a lot to be done to bring Canada back to being a respectable country again. Let us hope for a new broom approach, there is a lot of sweeping in our future.
As a side bar comment., when Castro came to Toronto in 1976, I remember the news was not very complimentary toward the delegates accompanying their leader. They took over a floor at the Royal York Hotel and had live chickens running through the halls. Was Justin trying to take Canada so far back as to become just another third world country like dad #1. Like father, like son.
If I seem to be a tad cruel, I feel it is time to start venting our true feelings toward these leaders that are truly out for themselves and not the public they are working for. Over the last 60+ years, I have paid hundred of thousands in taxes. Now when I need some of the services, I have pre-paid for, such as medical needs. I am told that I will just have to be patient. I spent one week in Emergency after being told I had 6 months to live with inoperable cancer. 6 days on a gurney with only one coat hook and a single sink I was expected to wash in as well as use as a toilet. Wait time is always 6-10 hours at emergency. Seniors deserve better in this country. The Trudeaus and their party have squandered Canada’s wealth and if left much longer in power, we would end up like Venezuela.
Good bye Justin. You started out on your journey, a millionaire and now you are by all accounts a multi-millionaire.
Paul D. Scott