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How can we find the TRUTH?

Jan 05/25


You don’t have to be my age to know that the world has changed drastically over the past few years. Even my four grandsons will agree with me on that point. I mention this as my family generally pay little attention to my rantings and seldom read them even though I have been writing most of my stories, well over 1,000 with them as my inspiration.  So, again I sit down, I do a lot of sitting lately, and press my brain for words that will hopefully bring some to the realization that we are living on borrowed time and the world will engulf our souls in its lies and corruption. If we are to survive the perils that are coming our way in the not-so-distant future, we must be aware that all is not what it seems in our surrounding world. God’s 9th commandment, “You shall not bear false witness” is all about bribery and false witness and the sin of lies. President Carter of the USA just passed at the age of 100 years old and his greatest legacy was, he would never lie to his people. What politician has ever been able to fulfill that pledge? Lies are what all this life seems to be all about. What can we believe now that AI (artificial Intelligence) is on the scene and all sorts of stories backed up with pictures and false narratives are used to prove many lies.

My concerns have been expressed in many of my short stories on covid and the devastating effects that are showing up now in the so-called vaccines presented to the public backed up with lie after lie as to the benefits of following the prescribed narrative of lies from our leaders. The needle injection falsely prescribed as a vaccine, and now described by another lie has killed about 20 million people world/wide and still we faithfully take as many injections as we can on the promise that it is good for us and while it no longer will prevent getting the next variance, it won’t have as severe a re-action with coughing and fever etc.  You just might die.  The after affects are just starting to appear with what is known as Turbo Cancer where cancer is sudden and in many areas of the body with fast and fatal results.

My concerns are now with the conflict in the Middle East, as a Christian and sympathizer of the Jewish nation and its people, I am confronted with the extent of Israel’s persistence to take their conflict to every Arab nation and the stories that are coming out of the area of Genocide are concerning to say the least. Stories are coming to the surface accusing the Israeli forces of killing and maiming women and children and putting bombs from robot driven tanks at the front door of Palestinian hospitals and blowing them up killing children inside. Some estimates of Palestinian and Jewish children being killed by Israeli forces is well over 20,000 and much worse is the wanton child cruelty by these same forces is numbing.  The United States and Great Britain are supporting Israel and in doing so are allegedly committing Genocide as well. Are we backing a regime that has gone rogue? We know that Israel will be a focal point in the next World War.  It would seem to me that the Israelis can’t wait to get something going. Was the invasion by Hamas on October 7th on Israel a hoax?  Was it a setup to give the Jewish nation a reason to invade and kill thousands of Palestinians and then to go on and invade one way or another all of its Arab foes? Total destruction, laying cities flat, only rubble is Genocide in itself.

For more information that will explain many concerns, watch the Chris Hedges Report with his guest Max. Blumenthall from the Grayzone, October 7th 2023. This well-informed young man seems to have a very realistic true sense of this Genocidal war. Netanyahu is facing many charges for ethnic cleansing. He has adopted the “Hanabal Directive.” This is a tactic that allows the destruction of ones own armed forces and the public civilians to come under siege by their own forces if the enemy is deemed to be embedded. Israel has killed many of their countrymen employing this tactic.

Thousands of Jewish citizens have demonstrated for Netanyahu’s resignation. Is he the man we are shown in the west as the savior of the Jews or is he a maniac rogue warrior that has gone bad?

This is a terrible scenario if it has any validity at all. The world is sitting on a time bomb and it has been a revelation to me to see how Putin has been willing to stand back and watch as an observer in many cases rather than a participant. He has witnessed the weakest USA in years with the Biden administration and was willing to make peace with Ukraine. However, the USA were instrumental for this war by backing Zelinski and convincing him he could defeat Russia. War, of course means huge profits for the swamp dwellers.


If we can’t believe our leaders in politics and human resources, and if we must question everything we see and hear from the media, where do we find the truth?  These times demand a questioning and curious population. We must all be suspicious of what we see and hear and this is the time we should be turning to the Bible and prayer; We need to go into quiet solitude and trust our own instincts.

 For the truth will set you free.


Paul D. Scott                            

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