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Shallow World

Aug.23rd. 2024


This world has a great deal of variety to offer mankind.  In many ways we have squandered our legacy by thinking we are capable and able to tweak God’s creation to suit our demented cravings. When we are fortunate enough to get out of the city and witness nature in its raw form, we realize that it does not need to be improved or changed. We then start to appreciate how generous our Maker has been in providing for our every need. A drive in the country for many is unheard of, but I enjoy the change and get out often. I never appreciated the beauty of a tree or the pleasant relaxed feeling I got when seeing God’s natural creations spread before me until I was faced with only 6 months to live. I would never see again this beauty, I thought.

There are many cruel people in this world and for reasons only they can explain, they do their best to convince the world of their demented beliefs. Control and financial gain are used to frighten the public into believing that the world can be changed by we mortals and especially our climate if we follow their rules. There is no doubt that Climate Change is a reality, the doubt is in the fact that man can override God’s will and take control. So many will cry out that we must do something or we will all perish. It has been proven over and over that man’s contribution to climate change is miniscule. There are many, we have to be suspicious of, one highly visible character is Bill Gates. He comes across as a benefactor to the human race when in most situations there is a profit to be had at the expense of humanity. His exploits are well documented for those interested in seeing this evil in it’s true form, just go on line.

If you had the fortitude to watch the Democratic convention in Chicago leading up to the November USA election, you would have seen “World Class Shallow” in its truest form, 30,000 gathered in one place to worship so/called world leaders that had virtually nothing to say for 4 days and most rhetoric was backstabbing and lies. Shallow individuals in mass going crazy over even more shallow wannabes that think they are smart enough to be in charge of the world.

Shallow comes in many forms. You don’t have to be stupid or mental or the highest achiever in your group, doctors and university professors and bankers and plumbers all are capable of being shallow. Shallow people are lacking character or intellect, they are superficial. So many of our politicians fit so nicely into this category.

The world is collapsing as we know it and calamity is running rampant through our nation. We have allowed our leaders to take our country into bankruptcy. Our resources are left in the ground to appease the minorities while starvation is growing and many haven’t a decent roof over their head. Crime is accepted and the killing of our babies and seniors is becoming the norm. Politicians lie regularly and so the public accepts that lying as normal. Our governments have been wanting for years. so protection from foes, domestic and foreign is not adequate. Health care is becoming difficult and expensive.  We as a nation should be expecting more than promises of Joy for the future and no explanation as to how that will be achieved. Shallow people cheering for shallow people won’t solve our problems and burying our heads in the ground so we don’t have to hear or see the reality surrounding us is no way to survive.  We must be an example to our children and our grandchildren and say enough is enough. It is time for the men of our country to take over from the Woke and Progressives and put some real leaders in place that will respect the laws of old, laid down by our Father in Heaven. We are told that the Supreme being will only put up with so much nonsense from his people and then all Hell will explode. That time is quickly coming and will strike without warning. We need to be prepared!


Paul D. Scott                                   


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